Changing the timezone in Windows for ASP.NET and for PHP

Timezone configuration for ASP.NET:

  1. Login to the WebsitePanel.

  1. In your Hosting Space, please choose File Manager.

  1. Navigate to your website's wwwroot folder.

  1. Edit the web.config and add the following line (for Indian Date Time):



  1. After the changes are done, please click Save.

PS: Please note the timezone is set at the server level, so there isn't a way to override that per site. The way to handle that would be from your code. Set a timezone in your web.config and calculate the timezone on the fly based on that.

Timezone configuration for PHP:

You will need to open a ticket to our technical department requesting a custom PHP.INI for your website. After that please follow the steps below:

  1. Login to the WebsitePanel.

  1. In your Hosting Space, please choose File Manager.

  1. Navigate to your website's wwwroot folder.

  1. Edit the php.ini file located in the PHP folder and add the following line at the top of the file:

date.timezone = "US/Central"

PS: Replace "US/Central" with the timezone from here that corresponds to the time you want to display.